
We are supporting mission work in Germany and abroad, by supporting individual missionaries or mission projects, e.g. in social work.

Since we are an official German NGO we can give tax receipts to donners of our supported projects. We forward a sizable amount of Donations to our partner projects.

Due to our location right in the rual areas we have many talents within craftmenship and can support projects inland and abroad. We send out building teams from time to time.

We support Mission Events inland and abroad. Amongst projects like ProChrist we also organize Youth Camps abroad.

Supported Projects

Eliezer Children Home India

Christ for Asia

ProChrist Ansbach

Youth with a Mission Germany

Nehemia Team

Restore Romania

Vanessa School Mbeya Tanzania

Anschrift Vereinsbüro

GMS e.V.
Auerbach 28
91598 Colmberg
Tel: 0 98 23 / 9 31 - 14
Fax: 0 98 23 / 9 31 - 16


1. Vorsitzende: Ruth Banna
2. Vorsitzender: Bernd Hochreuter
Leiter: Friedrich Horänder
Schriftführerin: Stefanie Gantke
Kassier: Rainer Hessenauer

Anschrift Gemeindezentrum

Gemeindezentrum Frommetsfelden
Hürbeler Straße 10 (in Frommetsfelden)
91578 Leutershausen